UEI No | VH3UE9S2T6E5 |
Contract Name: | Electronic Federal Aviation Administration Accelerated And Simplified Tasks Master Ordering Agreement (eFAST MOA) |
Contract Number: | 693KA922A00135 |
Contract Types: | Multiple Award/Master Ordering Agreement (MA/MOA) with Firm-Fixed Price, Services Fixed Price Level of Effort (SFP-LOE), Time and Materials (T&M), Labor Hours (LH) and Cost Reimbursement contracts or task orders |
Contractor DUNS Number: | 078343325 |
Contractor Cage Code: | 6M9L5 |
Point of Contact:
Lisa Salvador, Vice President
Direct: (248) 291-5440
Mobile: (313) 333-0188
E-mail: lisas@globalsolgroup.com